"When times are good, pricing sins can be easily forgiven. But when the economy sours, a misguided pricing strategy can shrink profitability, warp client relationships, and destroy a brand.”
- Nick Wreden (Brand Futurist)
Pricing has a greater impact on profitability than any other lever, yet many firms lack confidence in their pricing strategy. This workshop provides a comprehensive framework for assessing your firm’s approach to pricing. The workshop is illuminated with numerous case studies and encourages participants to identify opportunities to drive revenue and profit growth within their firm.
The pricing pressures are arguably at their greatest in Asia, where local, US and UK firms are all actively competing for the same work. This is driving fierce price competition, with many firms willing to invest to retain, or build, their Asian foothold. Many clients are leveraging off this hyper-competition to drive down prices.
Professional service firms must develop their pricing competence in order to effectively deal with these increasing client pressures.
The presenter
Colin Jasper has consulted to professional services firms for almost 20 years. In this time he has had the opportunity to work with many of the leading professional service firms in the US, the UK in Australia and throughout Asia.
As the Director of Jasper Consulting, Colin’s focus is on assisting professional service firms to create greater value for their clients and to capture a fair share of that value for themselves.
The program
The masterclass will help participants to:
The masterclass will explore case studies of how firms have significantly improved their pricing outcomes through application of leading pricing practices.
Who should attend
The workshop is designed to assist those who involved in, or responsible for, pricing within their firms including:
Further information on this masterclass can be found at:
Pricing Masterclass Flyer.
Workshop details
Deacons Hong Kong 5th Floor, Alexandra House18 Chater RoadCentral, Hong Kong
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