Ever wondered how to better influence outcomes, without being ‘the boss’ in the hierarchy?
We often mistake ‘leadership’ for overseeing our team or an organisational function, exercising our position, displaying hierarchical prowess, maintaining control, dishing out pay rises and promotions, and evaluating the performance of those in our charge. These leaders convey confidence and view humility as a sign of weakness. They hide rather than learn from failures. And they strive to project certainty, downplaying uncertainty because they know that’s what people want to hear.
This is a restrictive, industrial-age view of leadership that, sadly, remains in place across our business environment. And we now know that leadership, these days, is about much more than that. Leadership is now about our ability to influence outcomes through human relationships, regardless of our formal position in the hierarchy.
A fresh way to look at ‘leadership’ is that everyone is a leader of a task, an outcome or a change. Such as an internal communications professional enrolling staff for a sustainability initiative. Or a marketing expert organising a key client event, marshalling partners (aka herding the cats) to get their messages straight on the day. Or a customer experience manager holding a workshop to get finance, operations and HR aligned around a customer need.
Leading with influence in a customer-driven world is an interactive workshop, during which Peter Johnston will share:
- Top myths about leadership influencing
- Common tensions and challenges with leadership influencing and tips to overcome them
- The most important leadership influencing skills that all leaders need to work on (whether you lead a team or not)
Presenter Details:
Peter Johnston – Strategy & Transformation Leader and Writer

Peter started as an academic researcher and writer in the areas of psychology, resilience, leadership, motivation and culture. After publishing his research via book chapters and journal articles with the likes of Oxford University Press, Peter embarked on a 20+ year (and counting) career in management consulting, working with some of the world’s largest organisations across Europe, the UK, the US, Australia and New Zealand.
Today, Peter spends his days working in NZ and globally with CEO’s, executive teams and senior leaders to help their organisations become change-ready to win and collaborate in their markets. This invariably requires leaders to look at themselves first, which Peter finds is always the toughest but most rewarding to get done. You can read more about Peter on his LinkedIn.
Event Details:
Monday, 28 November 2022
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm (workshop begins at 5:20pm)
GHD Offices Level 3, GHD Centre, 27 Napier Street, Auckland 1011
Members: NZD 25
Non-members: NZD 40
Note: Payment will be charged in AUD.
ICON is a not-for-profit organisation and the fee covers drinks/nibbles and administrative services from the ICON team. Thank you to Peter Johnston for volunteering his time and GHD for providing our meeting space for no charge.